Angular bars and units for BAFTAS

Transform Venue: Bafta VIP Lounge

The BAFTAS is one of the most glittery events in the UK showbiz calendar.…

Promotional stand giant Toilet

House of Experience: Bloo Toilet

On what is the most depressing day of the year Monday 18 January, or so they…

Retail display for Jigsaw

Jigsaw: Chic Geek Paper Mache Heads

“Inside every stylish man is a Chic Geek.” To mark the beginning of LC:M Jigsaw…

Derren Brown Victorian Dolls Mask

Derren Brown: Creepy Victorian Dolls Mask

Taylor Herring approached us to make two spooky victorian doll masks for a…

Christmas Tree costume for Late Rooms

Late Rooms: Christmas Tree Disguise Costume

Taylor Herring commissioned us to make a Christmas Tree costume for an…

Game of Thrones Gibson Guitar

Gibson: Throne of Guitars

Gibson Brands Inc. recently contacted us to create a Throne of Guitars, based…

William Hill: Giant Teddy Bears

These two giant teddy bears were commissioned by Continental Drift for Taylor…

Promotional Redstripe Beer Can Headphones

Red Stripe Lager: Giant Headphones

Commissioned by Taylor Herring, this 3 metre tall, giant headphone sculpture…

Orange wooden wall sign

Delinquent: Bespoke Wooden Signage

Commissioned by Delinquent, these gorgeous wooden letters were recently…

Prodigal: Steam Train Set

Commissioned by Prodigal Theatre for The Urban Playground troupe, this…